About Us

Justin and Amber have been happily married since 2010 and have four wonderful children together (Amos, Caleb, Samuel, and Silas; infant-8 years).  They served in missions overseas from 2013-2016 and returned to serve in domestic missions in Kansas City, Missouri, from 2016-2024.  Justin and Amber have served as pastors in South Korea and Thailand as well as serving in full-time leadership in prophetic and healing ministry with an international ministry in the United States.

During their time in ministry they started to notice a pattern both in their walks with God and in the lives of those they were ministering to:  there were many people who were either struggling to hear God or were saying they could not hear God. This was personal for both Justin & Amber as having experienced it themselves for over a decade.  God turned things around for Justin and Amber by taking them on a journey that would lead them into a greater confidence in hearing God’s voice.  They have since committed their lives to helping others hear the voice of the Holy Spirit as a daily act of worship and as a powerful means to reach others with the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The second need they saw regularly was people from various backgrounds desire a safe space to share what is going on in their heart, to be transparent and vulnerable.  They realized every person’s heart is complex and deserving of others to listen, to help bear the load and to walk with them through the tough road they are currently facing in life.

Justin & Amber continue to do ministry from the place of prayer and have been blessed to see the happy results it bears in life and ministry.  They look forward to blessing and serving you!