What others are saying about Free The Captives Mission…

This first time I met Justin, he approached me at a prayer meeting and asked if I’d mind him sharing what he believed the Lord had shown him about me.  It was a poignant image that expressed my struggles in that season in a poetic fashion.  God alone gets the credit for the picture He gave Justin for me, but I’m grateful for the gentle manner in which it was delivered.  Justin wasn’t coddling, but rather compassionate and affirming.  I felt seen and not exposed.  I am grateful for the gifts God has given him and the careful way those gifts have been nurtured and honed for the edification and healing of the broken in the Body of Christ.

Justin ministered graciously and truthfully to my heart and life in June 2019.  He received such a significant word of knowledge that shifted something in my personal life.  I received not only comfort and personal healing but also a stirring of the grace and a shifting of things in a catalytic manner for what has been unfolding in my life since then.  I am grateful for the vital and impactful ministry and mission Justin and his family are called to and grateful for our partnership in the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I have received prophetic ministry from Justin several times over the past few years and I so appreciate his easy-going, but straightforward honest approach done in his own gentle way.  I believe he truly seeks the heart of God and does it with a servant’s heart.